Friday, July 12, 2013


So this was my first time using the social medial application Storify as I did not even know that an application like this existed.  After playing around with the application it was quite easy to figure out how it worked.

Animal Rights is a very controversial topic that is up for debate among many people.  Some agree that animals deserve rights and some believe that they do not.  However whether you agree of disagree with the rights that animals should be obligated to have, we have to make a conscious decision and think about what is ethical versus unethical.  Today animals are used in numerous ways that are unethical and they are put through pain, torture and even death.   Animals are used for testing cosmetics, making clothes, food, producing a profit, and even for entertainment.  However despite all of these horrible things that are occurring around the world there are various organizations that are working towards animal rights.

 For my Storify I chose the topic of organizations that are working towards giving animals rights.  Everyday animals suffer directly because of a human hand, however there are people out there that are trying to make a difference.  I chose to focus on the organization PETA.  PETA is a non-profit organization that focuses their attention on the ethical and fair treatment of animals.  They try and spread the word of fair and ethical treatment of animals by getting themselves out there by posting on various social media networks.  Also to really grab people’s attention they have many celebrities or people of importance help them with advertising animal rights. 

In my Storify application I included a variety of social media outlets along with pictures, videos, and web news.  All elements of the Storify were directly from PETA thus showing how they are trying to create change.  I included two advertisements produced by PETA working with celebrities like Pamela Anderson as well as Daver Nevaro, with both pictures showing its viewer that animals deserve rights.  Also I included two Facebook comments from Facebook users opinions, thoughts, and participation that they have with the PETA organization.  Another element that I included to my Storify was a video commercial produced by PETA showing that animal testing does take place and that it is unethical and that we should discontinue doing so because animals do not deserve to be tortured or even killed because of products we want to purchase.  The last two elements that I included in my Storify were two web news broadcasts straight from USA Today and PETA.  One of the articles was on Obama vegetarianism and love for broccoli and the other was on Nicki Minaj and her rejection to wearing fur.  What I noticed about the organization was that in order to persuade an audience to take the topic of animal rights seriously they used celebrities to reach their target audience.

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