Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summative Blog Post:Social Media and Citizen Journalism

Thank you for responding back and adding your personal insight and opinions on the subject of social media transforming citizen journalism.  I thought that citizen journalism through social media was an interesting topic because it is something that goes unnoticed in everyday life for many people.  We are so accustomed to participating in social media that we don’t even realize that we are contributing to “citizen journalism” by posting a simple tweet, blog or Facebook status.  Stephanie mentioned that many people do not have time to sit down and watch the sic o’clock news and social media allows a more realistic approach to being informed about current events. This is very true, I believe that social media offers more information than the news does about events that are happening and we have much easier access at a time that is convenient for us through cell phones or on a computer.  I also agree with the fact that social media websites are a more interesting and more informative way of engaging with current event than traditional forms of media.  Like Stephanie said, there is no filter on what is said on social media pages so people are able to provide information that news sources may not be able to release to the public.  This allows current events to be discussed with a wide range of opinions, insights, and views rather than having a right winged news station presenting information to the public, and the viewer not having another other information to be presented to them.
 Also As09em brought up a good point that not only does social media create social activism, but it also increases the amount of political activism.  I believe that with social media being present in our lives it allows information to be so easily obtained especially in terms of politics.  Some people that could not be bothered with being informed about politics, sometimes have no choice but to be informed because people they follow will tweet, blog, or post facebook status’ about political issues and events.  I definitely believe that social media in terms of politics is allowing the youth to become more involved.  For example the gay rights movement that is happening in the United States.  Social media has been a huge contributor to spreading awareness and news about the political issue.  Many people including celebrities have spread the word by posting a picture with the equal symbol  on instagram, facebook and twitter and twitter had numerous hastags like #equalrights trending.  Ultimately I believe that social media is a great tool for social as well as political activism because it gets the world out to the most amount of people not only within one nation but also worldwide.

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